How to avoid a caesarean
- Don't get pregnant
- If you do, don't go near a hospital
- Don't go near an obstetrician (OBY/GN in US)
- Definitely don't go anywhere near a trainee obs. or house doctor
- If you must see an obstetrician in labour, see a consultant
- Give birth during day time hours when a consultant is more likely to be in the building
- Ask your midwife which consultant to see
- Remember you are quite entitled to walk out of their consulting room or even their hospital
- Love your midwife
- Don't let her leave
- Don't go near a bed
- Or an electronic fetal monitor
- Or an epidural
- Or pethidine
- Or anyone who is afraid
- Or doesn't believe you can do it
- Find a midwife who has seen a home birth
- Spend your last few months doing hand stands to make sure the baby is not breech
- If it is breech don't tell anyone, find an experienced midwife and wait to see what happens in labour
- Refuse internal examinations
- Find water
- Get in a bath, a shower, or if you're lucky (or at home) a birth pool
- Walk
- Dance
- Kiss
- Laugh
- Breathe
- Stay away from the US
- and Mexico
- Move to the Netherlands
- Don't go to a private hospital
- Do go to a private midwife
- Be a man